"Non-Parametric Unsupervised Learning: Ideas and Results",
(with E.M.~Darling, Jr.), Second Hawaii International Conference on Systems Sciences,
University of Hawaii, Honolulu, Hawaii, January, 1968, pp. 341-344. |
"A Conditional Probability and Statistical Study of Crop Discrimination Using Radar Images",
(with F.~Caspall, R.K.~Moore, and D.S.~Simonett),
1968 IEEE International Convention Digest, Session 6E:
Earth and Environmental Sciences---Exploitation, New York, NY,
March 18--21, 1968, pp. 180.} |
"Adaptive Pattern Recognition of Agriculture in Western Kansas by Using a
Predictive Model in Construction of Similarity Sets",
Proceedings of the Fifth Symposium on Remote Sensing of Environment,
Ann Arbor, MI, April, 1968, pp. 343-356. |
"Crop Discrimination from Radar Imagery",
(with F.~Caspall and D.S.~Simonett), Proceedings of the Symposium on Information Processing,
Purdue University, Lafayette, IN, Vol.~II, April 28--30, 1969, pp. 701-718. |
"Multi-Image Clustering", Proceedings of the 1970 Army Numerical Analysis Conference,
ARO-D Report 71-1, 1970, 75--90. |
"An Iterative Clustering Procedure",
(with I.~Dinstein), Proceedings of the IEEE Computer Society Symposium
on Adaptive Processes, Decision, and Control,
University of Texas, Austin, TX, December 7--9, 1970, X1.1.1--X1.1.9, |
"Spectral Parameters Affecting Automated Image Interpretation Using
Bayesian Probability Techniques", (with W.G. Brooner and I. Dinstein),
Proceedings of the Seventh International Symposium on Remote Sensing of
Environment, Ann Arbor, MI, May, 1971, Vol.~III, 1929--1949. |
"On a Texture-Context Feature Extraction Algorithm for Remotely Sensed
Imagery", Proceedings of the IEEE Computer Society Conference on Decision and Control,
Gainesville, FL, December 15--17, 1971, pp. 650-657. |
"Electronic Multi-Image Analog-Digital Processor and Color Display",
(with P.N. Anderson, G.W. Dalke, G.L. Kelly, and R.K. Moore),
IEEE Computer Society International Conference and Exposition Record,
New York, NY, March, 1972. |
"On Some Quickly Computable Features for Texture",
(with K. Shanmugam and I. Dinstein), Proceedings of the 1972 Symposium on Computer Image Processing and
Recognition, Volume 27, University of Missouri, August 24-26, 1972, Vol.~2, 12-2-1 to 12-2-10. |
"A Comparative Study of Transform Data Compression Techniques
for Digital Imagery", (with K. Shanmugam, D. Goel, and J. Young),
Proceedings of the l972 National Electronics Conference (NEC),
Chicago, IL, October 9--11, l972. |
"A Computationally Simple Procedure for Imagery Data Compression by the
Karhunen-Loeve Method",
(with K. Shanmugam), Proceedings of the 1972 National Telecommunications Conference (NEC),
Houston, TX, December, 1972. |
"Combined Spectral and
Spatial Processing of ERTS Imagery Data",
(with K. Shanmugam), Second Symposium on Significant Results Obtained from Earth Resources
Technology Satelite---1, NASA SP-327,
Goddard Space Flight Center, March 5--9, 1973, 1219--1228. |
"A Spatial Clustering Algorithm for Imagery Data",
(with I. Dinstein), Proceedings of the First International Joint Conference on Pattern
Washington, DC, October 30--November 1, 1973, 534 |
"Spectral and Textural Processing of ERTS Imagery",
(with R. Bosley), Third ERTS Symposium, NASA SP-351,
Goddard Space Flight Center, December 10--15, 1973, 1929--1969. |
"Image Data Compression:
The Incomplete Fast Transform", (with N. Griswold), IEEE Computer Society 1974 SMC Conference,
Southern Methodist University, Dallas, TX, September, 1974, pp. 299-306. |
"A Resolution Preserving Textural Transform for Images", Proceedings
of the IEEE Computer Society Conference on Computer Graphics,
Pattern Recognition, and Data Structure},
San Diego, CA, May 14--16, 1975, pp. 51-61. |
"A Fast Two-Dimensional Karhunen-Loeve Transform",
(with N. Griswold and N. Kattiyakulwanich), Seminar-in-Depth on
Image Transmission: Society of Photo-Optical Instrumentation Engineers,
San Diego, CA, August 18--22, 1975, pp. 144-159 (Invited). |
Using Adaptive Systems for Modeling Socioeconomic Systems",
(with W.E.~Hogan II), Seventh Annual Pittsburgh Conference on Modeling and Simulation,
Pittsburgh, PA, April pp. 26-27, 1976. |
Interactive Image Processing Software",
Digital Image Processing and Analysis: Proceedings of the NATO
Advanced Study Institute on Digital Image Processing and Analysis,
Bonas, France, June 14--25, 1976,
J.C. Simon and A. Rosenfeld (eds.),
Leyden, The Netherlands: Noordhoff International,
1977, pp. 295-315. |
"An Annihilation Transform Compression Method for Permuted Images",
(with N.C. Griswold and C.A. Paul), Society of Photo-Optical Instrumentation Engineers,
San Diego, CA, August 23--27, 1976 (Invited). |
"A Critical Comparison
of Fast Transforms for Image Data Compression",
(with N.C. Griswold), Society of Photo-Optical Instrumentation Engineers,
San Diego, CA, August 23--27, 1976. |
"The Table Look-Up Rule", Proceedings, The Third International
Joint Conference on Pattern Recognition,
Coronado, CA, November 8--11, 1976, pp. 447--454 |
"Use of Thermal-Infrared Imagery in Ground-Water Investigations in Montana",
(with A.J. Boettcher), Proceedings of the Eleventh International Symposium on Remote Sensing
of Environment, Ann Arbor, MI, April 25--29, 1977, pp. 1161-1170. |
"Identification of Non-Numeric Systems",
(with G. Minden), Annual Southeastern Meeting of Society for General Systems Research,
New Orleans, LA, April 28--29, 1977. |
"The Consistent Labeling Problem", (with Linda Shapiro),
IEEE Computer Society Workshop On Pattern Recognition And Artificial Intelligence, Summaries of Presentations,
April 12-14, 1978, Princeton, New Jersey, pp. 173-176. |
"Structural Pattern Recognition, Arrangements, and Theory of Covers",
IEEE Computer Society Conference on Pattern Recognition and Image Processing,
Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute, Troy, NY, June 6--8, 1977, pp. 112-120. |
"Decomposition of Polygonal Shapes by Clustering",
(with L.G. Shapiro), IEEE Computer Society Conference on Pattern Recognition
and Image Processing, Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute, Troy, NY,
June 6--8, 1977, pp. 183-190. |
"Boundary Detection in Images, Using a Nonstationary Statistical Model",
(with A. Singh), IEEE Computer Society International Conference on Cybernetics and Society,
Washington, DC, September 18--21, 1977 (Invited). |
"A General Spatial Data Structure",
(with L.G. Shapiro), Proceedings of the Second IEEE Computer Society
Conference on Pattern Recognition and Image Processing,
Chicago, IL, June, 1978, pp. 238-249. |
"Arrangements, Homomorphisms, and Discrete Relaxation",
(with Jess Kartus) Proceedings of the Second IEEE Computer Society
Conference on Pattern Recognition and Image Processing,
Chicago, IL, June, 1978, pp. 291-300. |
"Scene Matching Problems", NATO Advanced Study Institute on Digital Image
Processing and Analysis, Bonas, France, June 19--30, 1978. |
"Statistical and Structural Approaches to Texture",
Proceedings of the International Symposium on Remote Sensing for Observation and Inventory
of Earth Resources and the Endangered Environment,
Freiburg, Federal Republic of Germany, July 2--8, 1978, pp. 379--431. |
"Statistical and Structural Approaches to Texture"
(revised)Proceedings of the Fourth International Joint Conference on Pattern
Recognition, Kyoto, Japan, November 7--10, 1978, pp. 45--69. |
"The Consistent Labeling Problem and Some Applications to Scene Analysis",
(with L.G. Shapiro), Proceedings of the Fourth International Joint Conference on
Pattern Recognition, Kyoto, Japan, November 7--10, 1978, pp. 616--619. |
"Increasing Tree Search Efficiency for Constraint Satisfaction Problems",
(with G.L. Elliott), Sixth International Joint Conference on Artificial Intelligence,
Tokyo, Japan, 1979, pp. 356-364. |
"Texture Analysis for Biomedical Imagery",
(with N.J. Pressman , H.W. Tyrer, and J.K. Frost),
Dahlem Workshop on Biomedical Pattern Recognition and Image
Processing, Berlin, Germany, May 14--18, 1979. Reprinted in
Life Sciences Research Report 15, K.S. Fu and T. Pavlidis (eds.),
Verlag Chemie, Germany, 1979, pp. 153-178. |
"Multi-Temporal Classification of Winter Wheat Using a Growth State Model",
(with C.A. Hlavka, S.M. Carlyle, and R. Yokoyama),
Fifth Annual Symposium: Machine Processing of Remotely Sensed Data,
West Lafayette, IN, June 27--29, 1979, pp. 105-115. |
"A Facet Model for Image Data",
(with L. Watson), Proceedings of the Third IEEE Computer Society Conference on Pattern Recognition
and Image Processing, Chicago, IL, August 6--8, 1979, pp. 489-497. |
"A Facet Model for Image Data",
reprinted Proceedings of the NATO Advanced Study Institute,
de Bonas, France, June--July, 1980. |
"Adaptive Image Data Compression",
(with O.A. Zuniga and R.L. Klein),
Proceedings of the Third IEEE Computer Society Conference on Pattern Recognition
and Image Processing,
Chicago, IL, August 6--8, 1979, pp. 583--590. |
"A Data Structure for a Spatial Information System",
(with L.G. Shapiro), Proceedings of the International Symposium on Computer Assisted
Cartography, November, 1979, pp. 1-13. |
"A Facet Model for Image Data: Regions, Edges, and Texture",
12th Southeastern Symposium on System Theory,
Virginia Beach, VA, May 19--20, 1980, pp. 30--38 |
"A Facet Model for Image Data: Regions, Edges, and Texture",
Proceedings of the NATO Advanced Study Institute, de Bonas, France,
June--July 1980. |
"A Generalized Blob Model for Three-Dimensional Object Representation",
(with L.G. Shapiro, J.D. Moriarty and P.G. Mulgaonkar),
Proceedings of the 2nd IEEE Computer Society Workshop on Data Description and Management,
Asilomar, CA, August, 1980, pp. 109-116. |
"Sticks, Plates and Blobs: A Three Dimensional Object Representation for
Scene Analysis", (with L.G. Shapiro, P.G. Mulgaonkar, and J.D. Moriarty),
Proceedings 1st Annual National Conference on Artificial Intelligence,
Stanford, CN, August, 1980, pp. 28-30. |
"Image Noise Reduction Using the Slope-Facet Model",
(with O. Zuniga), IEEE Computer Society's Fourth International Computer Software and
Applications Conference, Chicago, IL, October, 1980, pp. 1-7. |
"Algorithms for Inexact Matching", (with L.G. Shapiro),
Proceedings, 5th International Conference on Pattern Recognition,
Miami Beach, FL, December 1--4, 1980, Vol. 1, pp. 202-207. |
"Spatial Reasoning in Remotely Sensed Data",
(with J. Campbell, R.W. Ehrich,
D. Elliott, and S. Wang), Proceedings of the Fifteenth International Symposium on Remote Sensing
of Environment, Ann Arbor, MI, May 11--15, 1981. |
"A Facet Model Region Growing Algorithm",
(with T.C. Pong and L.G. Shapiro),
Proceedings IP81: IEEE Computer Society Conference on Pattern Recognition and
Image Processing, Dallas, TX, August 3--5, 1981, pp. 279--284. |
"The Digital Edge", Proceedings PRIP 81: IEEE Computer Society
Conference on Pattern Recognition and Image Processing,
Dallas, TX, August 3--5, 1981, pp. 285--291. |
"Texture Discrimination Using Region Based Primitives",
(with R. Lumia and L. Shapiro),
Proceedings IP81: IEEE Conference on Pattern Recognition and Image
Processing, Dallas, TX, August 3--5, 1981, pp. 369--372. |
"PRIP Facet Model Tutorial Notes",
IEEE Conference on Pattern Recognition and Image Processing, Dallas, TX, August 3--5, 1981.
"Matching Three Dimensional Models",
(with L.G. Shapiro, J.D. Moriarty, and P.G. Mulgoankar),
Proceedings IP81: IEEE Computer Society Conference on Pattern Recognition and Image
Processing, Dallas, TX, August 3--5, 1981, pp. 534--541. |
"The Application of the General Image Processing System (GIPSY) to Mineral
Benefication Studies",
(with J.R. Craig, R.H. Yoon, T.C. Pong, and W.Z. Choi),
Process Mineralogy II: Applications in Metallurgy, Ceramics, and Geology,
Proceedings of a Metallurgical Society of AIME Symposium,
Dallas Convention Center, TX, February 14--18, 1982,
R.D. Hagni (ed.), pp. 55--67. |
"An Experimental Relational Database System for Cartographic
Applications", (with P.D. Vaidya, L.G. Shapiro, and G.J.~ Minden),
American Society of Photogrammetry Convention,
Denver, CO, March, 1982, pp. 133-142. |
"Computer Architecture for Solving Consistent Labeling Problems",
(with J.R. Ullmann and L.G. Shapiro), Proceedings, 14th Southeastern
Symposium on System Theory, Blacksburg, VA, April 15--16, 1982, pp. 14-19 |
"Zero-Crossing of Second Directional Derivative Edge Operator",
Proceedings of SPIE---The International Society for Optical Engineering
Technical Symposium East, Arlington, VA, Vol.~336, May 6--7, 1982, pp. 91--99. |
"Achieving Portability in Image Processing Software Packages",
(with S.W. Krusemark), Proceedings IP82: IEEE Computer Society Conference on Pattern
Recognition and Image Processing, Las Vegas, NV, June 14--17, 1982, pp. 451-457 |
"Recognizing Three-Dimensional Objects from Single Perspective Views
Using Geometric and Relational Reasoning",
(with P.G. Mulgaonkar and L.G. Shapiro),
Proceedings IP82: IEEE Computer Society Conference on Pattern Recognition and Image
Las Vegas, NV, June 14--17, 1982, pp. 479-484. |
"Identification of Wire Frame Objects from Their Two Dimensional Perspective
Projections", (with Y.H. Chu, L.T. Watson, and L.G. Shapiro),
Proceedings IP82: IEEE Computer Society Conference on Pattern Recognition and Image
Processing, Las Vegas, NV, June 14--17, 1982, pp. 572-579. |
"The Digital Step Edge"(Complete),
Proceedings of the NASA Workshop on Registration and Rectification, JPL Publication 82-23,
Jet Propulsion Laboratory, Pasadena, CA, June 1982, pp. 251-303. |
"Pattern Recognition of Remotely Sensed Data",
Proceedings of the NATO Advanced Study Institute on Pictorial
Data Analysis, de Bonas, France, August 1--12, 1982. |
"Using Rough Relational Models for Geometric Reasoning",
(with P.G. Mulgaonkar and L.G. Shapiro), Proceedings of the IEEE Computer Society Workshop
on Computer Vision: Representation and Control,
Rindge, NH, August 23--25, 1982, pp. 116-124. |
"Topographic Classification of Digital Image Intensity Surfaces",
(with T.J. Laffey and L.T. Watson),
Proceedings of the IEEE Computer Society Workshop
on Computer Vision: Representation and
Control, Rindge, NH, August 23--25, 1982, pp. 171-177. |
"A Simulation Model of a Multi_Computer System Solving a Combinatorial Problem",
(with William McCormack and Gail Gray), Proceedings of the 1982 Winter Simulation Conference,
Sand Diego, December 6-8, 1982, pp. 261-266. |
"Significance of Problem Solving Parameters on the Performance of
Combinatorial Algorithms on Multi-Computer Parallel Architectures",
(with F.G. Gray and W.M. McCormack), Proceedings of the International
Conference on Parallel Processing, August, 1982, pp. 185-192. |
"Ore Microscopic Studies Using the General Image Processing System
(GIPSY)", (with J.R. Craig, R.H. Yoon, T.C. Pong, and W.Z. Choi),
Proceedings of 13th International Mineralogic Association,
Varna, Bulgaria, September, 1982. |
"Spatial Reasoning to Determine Stream Network from Landsat Imagery",
(with S. Wang and D.B. Elliott),
Proceedings, 6th International Conference on Pattern
Recognition, Munich, Germany, October 19--22, 1982, Vol. 1, pp. 502-516. |
"The Topographic Primal Sketch", (with L.T. Watson and T.J. Laffey),
IEEE Computer Society Conference on Trends and Applications, Automating
Intelligent Behavior: Applications and Frontiers,
National Bureau of Standards, Gaithersburg, MD,
May 25--26, 1983, pp. 198-209. |
"Relative Elevation Determination
From Landsat Imagery", Proceedings of the NASA Symposium on Mathematical Pattern Recognition and Image Analysis,
(Keynote Address), June 1-3, Johnson Space Center, Houston TX, 1983, pp. 3-51. |
"Corner Detection Using the Facet Model",
(with O.A. Zuniga), Proceedings PR83: IEEE
Computer Society Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition,
Washington, DC, June 19--23, 1983, pp. 30-37. |
"The Facet Approach to Optic Flow",
(with J.S. Lee), Proceedings: Image Understanding Workshop,
Arlington, VA, June 23, 1983, pp. 84-93, Color Images of Figures. |
"The Topographic Primal Sketch and Its Application to Passive
Navigation", (with T.J. Laffey and L.T. Watson),
Proceedings: Image Understanding Workshop,
Arlington, VA, June 23, 1983, pp. 304-317. |
"Image Analysis in the Study of Pentlandite Exsolution Rates",
(with J.R. Craig, D.P. Kelly, D.J. Vaughan, and T.C. Pong),
International Congress of Applied Mineralogy---1984, Special Volume,
Los Angeles, CA, 1984. |
"Mineralogical Variations During Comminution of Complex Sulfide Ores",
(with J.R. Craig, R.H. Yoon, W.Z. Choi, and T.C. Pong), Process Mineralogy III,
Society of Mining Engineers of the American Institute of
Mining, Metallurgical and Petroleum Engineers, Inc., New York, NY, 1984,
pp. 51--63. |
"A Hierarchical Relational Model for Automated Inspection Tasks",
(with L.G. Shapiro), IEEE International Conference on Robotics,
Atlanta, GA, March 13--15, 1984, pp. 70--77 |
"Interpretation of Topographic Relief from Digital Multispectral
Imagery", (with J.B. Campbell and S. Wang),
Proceedings of SPIE Remote Sensing,
Arlington, VA, May 1--2, 1984, Vol.~475, pp. 98-116. |
"A New Approach to the Solution of the Maximum Entropy Image
Reconstruction Problem", (with X. Zhuang and K.B. Yu),
Proceedings, IEEE Intel Conference ASSP, San Diego, CA,
Summer, 1984, 12A.8.1--12A.8.4. |
"Maximum Entropy Spectrum Estimation from Noisy Correlation
Measurements", (with K.B. Yu and X. Zhuang),
Proceedings, IEEE Intel Conference ASSP, San Diego, CA,
Summer, 1984, 13.9.1--13.9.4. |
"Shape Estimation from Topographic Primal Sketch: an Initial
Feasibility Study", (with T.C. Pong and L.G. Shapiro),
Proceedings, Seventh International Conference on Pattern
Recognition, Montreal, Canada, July 30--August~2, 1984, Vol. 1, pp. 597--600. |
"Analysis of Digital Images of The Shroud of Turin",
Proceedings, Seventh International Conference on Pattern
Recognition, Montreal, Canada, July 30--August 2, 1984, Vol. 2, pp. 717--722. |
"A General Spatial Data Structure",
(with L. Shapiro), Spatial Information Technologies for Remote Sensing
Today and Tomorrow, Proceedings,
Sioux Falls, SD, October, 1984, p. 82. |
"Multispectral Image Context Classification Using the Markov Random
Field", (with M.C. Zhang and J.B. Campbell),
IEEE Computer Society Conference on Spatial Information Technology,
Sioux Falls, SD, October 2--4, 1984, pp. 190--200. |
"The Visual Components of an Automated Inspection Task",
(with L.G. Shapiro and T.C. Pong), The First Conference on Artificial Intelligence
Applications, Denver, CO, December 5--7, 1984, pp. 207-210. |
"A Computational Framework for Hypothesis Based Reasoning and Its
Applications to Perspective Analysis",
(with P.G. Mulgaonkar and L.G. Shapiro),
The First Conference on Artificial Intelligence Applications,
Denver, CO, December 5--7, 1984, pp. 287-294. |
"Rigid Body Motion and the Optic Flow Image",
(with X. Zhuang), The First Conference on Artificial Intelligence Applications,
Denver, CO, December 5--7, 1984, pp. 366--375. |
"Relative Elevation Determination From Landsat Imagery",
(with S. Wang, and J. Campbell), Proceedings of the Workshop on Computer Vision Represtation and Control,
April 30-May 2, 1984, Annapolis Maryland, pp. 150-157. |
"The Facet Approach to Shape From Shading",
(with Ting_Chuen Pong, and Linda Shapiro), Proceedings of the Workshop on Computer Vision Represtation and Control,
April 30-May 2, 1984, Annapolis Maryland, pp. 143-149. |
"Two View Motion Analysis, Stereo Vision and a Moving Camera's
Positioning Their Equivalence and a New Solution Procedure",
(with X. Zhuang), IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Automation,
St. Louis, MO, March 25--28, 1985, pp. 6-10. |
"Comparing the Laplacian Zero Crossing Edge Detector
with the Second Directional Derivative Edge Detector",
1985 IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Automation,
St. Louis, MO, March 25--28, 1985, pp. 452-457. |
"Two View Motion Analysis Under a Small Perturbation",
(with X. Zhuang), Proceedings, IEEE International Conference on Acoustics,
Speech, and Signal Processing,
Tampa, FL, March 26--29, 1985, Vol. 2, pp. 929-932. |
"Image Segmentation and Texture Analysis",
(with Linda Shapiro), SPIE Applications of Artificial Intelligence, Arlington, Virginia, April 9-11, 1985, pp. 2-9.
"Application Of Population Balance Model To The Comminution Of Complex Sulfide Ores",
(with W.Z. Choi, R.H. Yoon, J.R. Craig) International Symposium Workshop on Particulate and Multi-phase Processes, Miami Beach, FL, April 22-26, 1985. |
"Second Directional Derivative Zero-Crossing Detector Using the Cubic
Facet Model", Proceedings of the IEEE Computer Society Conference on
Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition,
San Francisco, CA, June, 1985, pp. 672-677. |
"Second Directional Derivative Zero-Crossing Detector Using the Cubic
Facet Model", (invited keynote talk) Proceedings of the 4th Scandinavian
Conference on Image Analysis, Trondheim, Norway, June, 1985, pp. 17-30. |
"Two View Motion Analysis",
(with X. Zhuang), Proceedings of the IEEE Computer Society Conference on
Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition,
San Francisco, CA, June, 1985, pp. 686-690. |
"Computer Vision Theory: The Lack Thereof",
IEEE Computer Society Third Workshop on Computer Vision:
Representation and Control,
Bellaire, MI, October 13--16, 1985, pp. 113-121. |
"Context Classifier",
(with H. Joo), 1985 International
Geoscience and Remote Sensing Symposium,
Amherst, MA, October, 1985, pp. 247-254. |
"Contextual Classification By Stochastic Relaxation",
(with M. Zhang and J.B. Campbell),
IEEE Computer Society Workshop on Computer
Architecture for Pattern Analysis and Image Database Management,
Miami Beach, FL, November, 1985, pp. 399-407. |
"A Reconfigurable Systolic Network for Computer Vision",
IEEE Computer Society Workshop on Computer
Architecture for Pattern Analysis and Image Database Management,
Miami Beach, FL, November, 1985, pp. 507-515. |
"Morphologic Edge Detection", (with J.S.J. Lee and L.G. Shapiro),
Proceedings, Eighth International Conference on Pattern
Recognition, Paris, France, 1986, Vol. 1, pp. 369-373. |
"A Multi-Threshold Adaptive Filtering for Image Enhancement",
(with J. Qian and K.B. Yu), 1986 IEEE-IECEJ-ASJ International Conference on
Acoustics, Speech, and Signal Processing, Tokyo, Japan, 1986. |
"A Simplex Like Algorithm for Relaxation Labeling Process",
(with X. Zhuang and H. Joo), Proceedings, Eighth International
Conference on Pattern Recognition, Paris, France, 1986, Vol. 1, pp. 190-194. |
"INSIGHT: A Dataflow Language for Programming Vision Algorithms",
(with L.G. Shapiro and M.J. Goulish),
Proceedings of the IEEE Computer Society Conference on Computer Vision and
Pattern Recognition, Miami Beach, FL, June 22--26, 1986, pp. 375--380. |
"Grayscale Morphology", (with S.R. Sternberg and X. Zhuang),
Proceedings of the IEEE Computer Society Conference on Computer Vision and
Pattern Recognition, Miami Beach, FL, June 22--26, 1986, pp. 543-550. |
"Recognition Methodology: Algorithms and Architecture",
SPIE Conference on Image Pattern Recognition: Algorithm Implementations,
Techniques, and Technology, Los Angeles, CA, January, 1987, Vol. 755, 63--65. |
"Multi-Resolution Morphology",
(with C. Lin, J.S.J. Lee, and X. Zhuang), Proceedings, First International Conference on Computer Vision,
London, England, June 8--11, 1987, pp. 516-520. |
"The Digital Morphological Sampling Theorem",
(with X. Zhuang, C. Lin, and J.S.J. Lee),
Proceedings of the SPIE: Intelligent Robots and Computer Vision,
Cambridge, MA, November 2--6, 1987, pp. 71-87. |
"The Digital Morphological Sampling Theorem",
reprinted in Proceedings from the International Symposium on Circuits and Systems,
Espoo, Finland, June, 1988. |
"Adaptive Image Processing Techniques",
(with J.S.J. Lee, P.V. Budak, and C.R. Lin),
Proceedings of the SPIE: Intelligent Robots and Computer Vision,
Cambridge, MA, November 2--6, 1987, 255--262. |
"Interpretation of Optical Flow by Rotation Decoupling",
(with A. Mitiche and X. Zhuang), Proceedings of the IEEE Computer Society Workshop on Computer Vision,
Miami Beach, FL, November 30--December 2, 1987, 195--199. |
"Pose Estimation from Corresponding Point Data",
(C.N. Lee, X. Zhuang, V.G. Vaidya, and M.B. Kim),
Proceedings of the IEEE Computer Society Workshop on Computer Vision,
Miami Beach, FL, November 30--December 2, 1987, 258--263. |
"Segmentation and Its Place in Machine Vision",
(with L.G. Shapiro), Scanning Microscopy
Supplement 2, Image and Signal Processing in Electron Microscopy,
Proceedings of the Sixth Pfefferkorn Conference}, 1988, pp. 39-54. |
"3-D Display of Magnetic Resonance Imaging of the Spine",
(with A.C. Nelson, Y. Kim, P.A. Anderson, R.H. Johnson, and L.A. DeSoto),
SPIE Conference on Three~Dimensional Imaging and Remote Sensing Imaging,
1988, Vol.~902, 103--112. |
"The Binary Morphological Sampling Theorem",
(with X. Zhuang, C. Lin, and J. Lee),
Systems and Signal Processing: Proceedings of the 1988
Indo--United States Workshop on Systems and Signal Processing,
Bangalore, India, January 8--12, 1988,
Oxford and IBH Publishing Co. Pvt. Ltd., 1991, pp. 453-469. |
"Mathematical Morphology Techniques for Image Processing Applications
in Biomedical Imaging",
(with G.T. Bartoo, Y. Kim, D. Nochlin, and S.M. Sumi),
Proceedings of the SPIE Conference on Medical Imaging II: Image Formation,
Detection, Processing, and Interpretation,
February, 1988, pp. 466-475. |
"Mathematical Morphology and the Morphological Sampling Theorem",
Proceedings of the DARPA Image Understanding Workshop,
Cambridge, MA, April 6--8, 1988, pp. 461-487. |
"Context Dependent Edge Detection",
(with J.S.J. Lee), Proceedings of the IEEE Computer Society Conference on Computer Vision
and Pattern Recognition (CVPR 88) , Ann Arbor, MI, June 5--9, 1988, pp. 223-228. |
"Context Dependent Edge Detection",
revised in 9th International Conference
on Pattern Recognition, Rome, Italy, November 14--17, 1988,
Vol. I, pp. 203-207. |
"From Depth and Optical Flow to Rigid Body Motion",
(with X. Zhuang and Y. Zhao), Proceedings of the IEEE Computer Society Conference
on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition,
Ann Arbor, MI, June 5--9, 1988, pp. 393-397. |
"Binary Morphology: Working in the Sampled Domain",
(with X. Zhuang, C. Lin, and J. Lee),
Proceedings of the IEEE Computer Society Conference
on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition,
Ann Arbor, MI, June 5--9, 1988, pp. 780-791. |
"2D-3D Pose Estimation",
(with H. Joo), Proceedings, 9th International Conference on Pattern
Recognition, Rome, Italy, November 14--17, 1988, Vol. I, pp. 385-391. |
"Dynamic Programming Approach for Context Classification Using the Markov Random Field", (with M.C. Zhang and R. Ehrich),
Proceedings, 9th International Conference on Pattern Recognition,
Rome, Italy, November 14--17, 1988, Vol. II, pp. 1169--1181. |
"Recovering 3-D Motion Parameters from Image Sequences with Gross Errors",
(with C.N. Lee and X. Zhuang), Proceedings of the Workshop on
Visual Motion, Irvine, CA, March 20--22, 1989, pp. 46--53. |
"Image Segmentation Using the Morphological Pyramid",
(with C. Lee and T. Phillips), Proceedings of Applications of Artificial
Intelligence VII, Orlando, FL, March 28--30, 1989, SPIE Vol. 1095, pp. 208--221. |
"Binary Shape Recognition Based on an Automatic Morphological Shape Decomposition",
(with Y. Zhao), Proceedings of the IEEE International Conference on Acoustics,
Speech, and Signal Processing, Glasgow, Scotland, May 23--26, 1989, Vol. 3, pp. 1691--1694. |
"Monocular Vision Using Inverse Perspective Projection Geometry:
Analytic Relations", Proceedings, IEEE Computer Society Conference on
Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition
"Methodology for Experimental Computer Vision",
Proceedings, IEEE Computer Society Conference on
Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition, San Diego, CA, June 4--8,
1989, pp. 437-438. |
"Monocular Vision Using the Cross--Ratio",
Proceedings of the 6th Scandinavian Conference on Image Analysis,
Oulu, Finland, June 19--22, 1989, pp. 943-952. |
"Application of Mathematical Morphology to Machine Vision",
(with H. Joo), Proceedings of the 23rd Asilomar Annual Conference on Signals, Systems,
and Computers, Monterey, CA, October 30--November 1, 1989. |
"Application of Mathematical Morphology to Machine Vision", (invited keynote talk),
Mustererkennung 1989: 11. DAGM--Symposium--Hamburg, October 1989,
H. Burkhardt, K.H. Hohne, and B. Neumann (eds.), Springer-Verlag, 1989, pp. 1--27. |
Mathematical Morphology and Remote Sensing,
Geoscience and Remote Sensing Symposium, Volume 4, 1989, p. 2430. |
Optimal Affine Invariant Point Matching,
SPIE Applications of Artificial Intelligence VII, March 28-30, 1989, Orlando FL., pp.515-530. |
"Mathematical Morphology and Computer Vision",
Twenty-Second Asilomar Conference on Signals, Systems, and Computers,
San Jose, CA, November 1--5, 1989. |
"Computerized Detection of Cemento-Enamel Junctions in Digitized Dental Radiographs",
(with V. Ramesh, E. Hausman and K. Allen),
Proceedings of the 11th International Conference on Engineering in Medicine and Biology,
Seattle, WA, November, 1989, Vol. 11, pp. 1652--1654. |
"Edge Linking by Ellipsoidal Clustering",
(with V. Ramesh), Proceedings of the International Conference on Intelligent Robots
and Computer Vision VIII---Algorithms and Techniques,
Philadelphia, PA, November, 1989, SPIE Vol.~1192, pp. 147-158. |
"Subpixel Precision Corner Detection and Localization",
(with I.T. Phillips), Electronic Imaging '90 West:
International Electronic Imaging Exposition and Conference,
Advance Printing of Paper Summaries, Vol. 1,
Pasadena, CA, February 26--March 1, 1990, pp. 70-74. |
"The Discrimination of Water from Shadow Regions on SAR Imagery",
(with J. Qian), Proceedings, SPIE Hybrid Image and Signal Processing II,
Orlando, FL, April 18--20, 1990, Vol. 1297, pp. 12--23. |
"Automatic Sensor and Light Source Positioning for Machine Vision",
(with S.K. Yi and L.G. Shapiro), Proceedings, 10th International Conference on Pattern Recognition,
Conference~A: Computer Vision, Atlantic City, NJ,
June 16--21, 1990, Vol. I, pp. 55-59. |
"Optimal Affine-Invariant Point Matching",
(with M.S. Costa and L.G. Shapiro),
Proceedings, 10th International Conference on Pattern Recognition,
Conference~A: Computer Vision, Atlantic City, NJ,
June 16--21, 1990, Vol. I, pp. 233-236. |
"A Highly Robust Estimator for Computer Vision",
(with X. Zhuang), Proceedings, 10th International Conference on Pattern Recognition,
Conference~B: Pattern Recognition Systems and Applications, Atlantic City, NJ,
June 16--21, 1990, Vol. I, pp. 545-550. |
"A Neural Net Algorithm for Maximum Entropy Image Reconstruction",
(with X. Zhuang), Proceedings, 10th International Conference on Pattern Recognition,
Conference~C: Image, Speech, and Signal Processing, Atlantic City, NJ,
June 16--21, 1990, Vol. II, pp. 47-50. |
"B-Code Dilation and Structuring Element Decomposition for Restricted
Convex Shapes", (with T. Kanungo and X. Zhuang),
SPIE Image Algebra and Morphological
Image Processing, San Diego, CA, July 10--12, 1990, Vol. 1350, pp. 419--430 |
"B-Code Dilation and Structuring Element Decomposition for Restricted
Convex Shapes", (with T. Kanungo and X. Zhuang),
reprinted in Selected SPIE Papers on CD-ROM series, Vol 8: Mathematical
Imaging and Vision, Dec 1990. |
"Developing Robust Techniques for Computer Vision",
(with X. Zhuang), IEEE Computer Society International Workshop on Robust Computer Vision,
Seattle, WA, October 1--3, 1990, pp. 19-38. |
"Performance Characterization of Vision Algorithms",
(with V. Ramesh), SPIE Proceedings: Image Understanding in the '90s: Building Systems that Work,
SPIE Vol. 1406, McLean, VA, October 18--19, 1990, pp. 2-16. |
"An Experimental Methodology for Performance Characterization of a Line
Detection Algorithm", (with T. Kanungo, M.Y. Jaisimha, and J. Palmer),
Optics, Illumination, and Image Sensing for Machine Vision V,
October, 1990, SPIE Vol.~1385, pp. 104--112. |
"An Experimental Methodology for Performance Characterization of a Line
Detection Algorithm", (with T. Kanungo, M.Y. Jaisimha, and J. Palmer),
reprinted in Proceedings of SPIE Symposium on Advances in Intelligent Systems,
Boston, MA, November 4--9, 1990. |
"Character Recognition Using Mathematical Morphology",
(with T. Kanungo), Proceedings of the United States Postal Service Fourth Advanced Technology
Conference, Vol. 2, Washington DC, November 5--7, 1990, pp. 973-986. |
"Illumination Control Expert: Optimal Sensor and Light Position",
(with S. Yi and L.G. Shapiro), SME Vision '90, November 12--15, 1990,
pp. 564(1)-564(26). |
"Illumination Control Expert: Optimal Sensor and Light Position",
(with S. Yi and L.G. Shapiro),
revised from Proceedings of Northcon '90, October, 1990, pp. 287-292. |
"Toward the Automatic Generation of Mathematical Morphology Procedures Using Predicate Logic",
(with H. Joo and L.G. Shapiro), Proceedings, Third International Conference on Computer
Vision, Osaka, Japan, December 4--7, 1990, pp. 156--165. |
"Proteus System Architecture and Organization",
(with A.K. Somani, C. Wittenbrink, L.G. Shapiro, J.N. Hwang,
C. H. Chen, R. Johnson, and K. Cooper),
International Parallel Processing Symposium,
Anaheim, CA, 1991, pp. 287-294. |
"Model-Based Morphology: The Opening Spectrum",
Invited Paper, (with E.R. Dougherty and P.L. Katz),
Image Understanding and the Man-Machine Interface III,
Orlando, FL, April 3--4, 1991, SPIE Vol.~1472, pp. 108-118. |
"The Hole Spectrum:
Modelbased Optimization of Morphological Filters", (with E.R. Dougherty), Image Algebra and Morphological Image Processing II
San Diego, CA, July 23-24, 1991, SPIE Vol.~1568, pp. 224-232. |
"PREMIO: An Overview",
(with O.L. Camps and L.G. Shapiro),
Proceedings of the IEEE Computer Society Workshop
on Directions in Automated CAD-Based Vision,
Maui, HI, June 2--3, 1991, pp. 11-21. |
"Analysis and Solutions of the Three Point Perspective Pose Estimation
Problem", (with C. N. Lee, K. Ottenberg, and M. Nolle),
Proceedings of the IEEE Computer Society Conference on
Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition,
Lahaina, HI, June 3--6, 1991, pp. 592-598. |
"Morphological Pattern-Spectra-Based Tau-Opening Optimization,"
(with E.R. Dougherty, Y. Chen, B. Li, C. Agerskov, U. Jacobi, and
P.H. Sloth), Proceedings SPIE: Visual Communications Image Processing,
Boston, MA, November, 1991, Vol. 1606, pp. 141-152. |
"Autonomous Recognition of Mines Using Morphological Image Processing",
(with P.L. Katz, C.J. Eggen, and L.R. Rystrom),
Proceedings of the IRIS Specialty Group on Active Systems,
1992, Part~2, pp. 87--110 (Classified Confidential). |
"Fast Facet Edge Detection in Image Sequences Using Vector Quantization",
(with M.Y. Jaisimha and E.A. Riskin),
Proceedings of the International Conference on Acoustics, Speech, and Signal
Processing, San Francisco, CA, 1992. |
"Morphological Algorithm Development Case Study: Detection of Shapes in Low Contrast Gray Scale
Images with Replacement and Clutter Noise",
(with L.R. Rystrom, P.L. Katz, and C.J. Eggen),
SPIE Proceedings, Nonlinear Image Processing III,
San Jose, CA, February 12--13, 1992, SPIE Vol. 1658, pp. 76--93. |
"The Logical Context of Nonlinear Filtering",
(with E.R. Dougherty), SPIE Proceedings, Nonlinear Image Processing III,
San Jose, CA, February 12--13, 1992, SPIE Vol.~1658, pp. 234-244. |
"The Image Understanding Environment",
(with V. Ramesh), SPIE Conference on Image Processing and Interchange:
Implementation and Systems, San Jose, CA, February 12--14, 1992, SPIE Vol. 1659,
pp. 159--167. |
"Optimal Affine-Invariant Matching: Performance Characterization",
(with M.S. Costa and L.G. Shapiro), SPIE Conference on Image Storage and Retrieval Systems,
SPIE Vol. 1662, San Jose, CA, February 13--14, 1992, pp. 21--34 |
"On Robust Exterior Orientation",
(with K.B. Thornton), Robust Computer Vision: Quality of Vision Algorithms,
Foerstner/Ruwiedel (eds.),
2nd International Workshop on Robust Computer Vision,
Bonn, Germany, March 10--12, 1992, pp. 41-49. |
"On Printed Music Score Symbol Recognition",
(with B.R. Modayur and L.G. Shapiro),
Proceedings, Symposium on Document Analysis and Information Retrieval,
Las Vegas, NV, March 16--18, 1992. |
"Performance Characterization of Edge Detectors",
(with V. Ramesh), Special Session: Performance Evaluation of Edge Detectors---Artificial
Intelligence and Applications, SPIE Machine Vision and Robotics
Conference, Orlando, FL, April, 1992, SPIE Vol. 1708, pp. 252--266. |
"Model-Based Character Recognition",
(with T. Kanungo), DARPA Document Understanding Workshop,
Palo Alto, CA, May 6--8, 1992, pp. 1-5. |
"Visual Inspection of Machined Parts",
(with B.R. Modayur and L.G. Shapiro),
Proceedings, IEEE Computer Society Conference
on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition,
Champaign, IL, June 15--18, 1992, pp. 393-398. |
"The Image Understanding Environment Program",
(with J. Mundy, T. Binford, T. Boult, A. Hanson, R. Beveridge,
V. Ramesh, C. Kohl, D. Lawton, D. Morgan, K. Price, and T. Strat),
Proceedings, IEEE Computer Society Conference on
Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition,
Champaign, IL, June 15--18, 1992, pp. 406--416. |
"Random Perturbation Models and Performance Characterization in Computer
Vision", (with V. Ramesh), Proceedings, IEEE Computer Society Conference on Computer Vision
and Pattern Recognition,
Champaign, IL, June 15--18, 1992, pp. 521-527. |
"Predicting Expected Grey Level Statistics of Opened Signals",
(with W.S. Costa), Proceedings, IEEE Computer Society Conference on Computer Vision
and Pattern Recognition, Champaign, IL, June 15--18, 1992, pp. 554--559. |
"Recursive Opening Transform",
(with S. Chen and T. Kanungo),
Proceedings, IEEE Computer Society Conference on Computer Vision
and Pattern Recognition, Champaign, IL, June 15--18, 1992, pp. 560-565. |
"Morphological Decomposition of Restricted Domains: A Vector Space Solution",
(with T. Kanungo), Proceedings, IEEE Computer Society Conference on Computer Vision
and Pattern Recognition, Champaign, IL, June 15--18, 1992, pp. 627-629. |
"Object Recognition Using Prediction and Probabilistic Matching",
(with O.I. Camps and L.G. Shapiro),
Proceedings of the Fifth International Conference on Intelligent
Robots and Systems, Raleigh, NC, July 7--10, 1992. |
"Height Distributions in Opened Finite Signals",
(with W.S. Costa), Proceedings of the SPIE: Image Algebra and Morphological Image Processing III,
SPIE Vol. 1769, San Diego, CA, July 20--22, 1992, pp. 14-20. |
"A Quick Way for Relational Matching: Morphology",
(with T. Kanungo and J. Strupp), Advances in Structural and Syntactic Pattern Recognition: Proceedings
of the International Workshop on Structural and Syntactic Pattern
Recognition, H. Bunke, (ed.), Bern, Switzerland, August 26--28, 1992, pp. 47-62. |
"Contextual Decision Making With Degrees of Belief",
Proceedings, 11th IAPR International Conference on Pattern
Recognition, Conference~B: Pattern Recognition Methodology
and Systems, The Hague, The Netherlands, August 30--September~3, 1992,
Vol.~II, pp. 105-111. |
"Gray Scale Structuring Element Decomposition",
(with O. Camps and T. Kanungo), Proceedings, 11th IAPR International Conference on Pattern
Recognition, Conference~C: Image, Speech, and Signal Analysis,
The Hague, The Netherlands, August 30--September 3, 1992, Vol. III, pp. 260--263. |
"Proteus: a Reconfigurable Computational Network
for Computer Vision", (with A.K. Somani, C. Wittenbrink, R. Johnson,
K. Cooper, L.G. Shapiro,
I.T. Phillips, J.N. Hwang, W. Cheung,
Y.H. Yao, C.H. Chen, L. Yang, B. Daugherty, B. Lorbeski,
K. Loving, T. Miller, L. Parkins, and S.L. Soos),
Proceedings, 11th IAPR International Conference on Pattern
Recognition, Conference~D: Architectures for Vision and Pattern
Recognition, The Hague, The Netherlands, August 30--September~3, 1992, Vol.~IV,
pp. 43--57. |
"Proteus: a Reconfigurable Computational Network
for Computer Vision", (with A.K. Somani, C. Wittenbrink, R. Johnson,
K. Cooper, L.G. Shapiro,
I.T. Phillips, J.N. Hwang, W. Cheung,
Y.H. Yao, C.H. Chen, L. Yang, B. Daugherty, B. Lorbeski,
K. Loving, T. Miller, L. Parkins, and S.L. Soos),
SPIE Conference on Image Processing and Interchange: Implementation and
Systems, SPIE Vol. 1659, San Jose, CA, February 12--14, 1992, pp. 54--76 |
"A CAD-Based System for Automated Inspection of Machined Parts", Proceedings of the Fifth
International Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems, Raleigh, NC, July 7-10, 1992. |
"Morphological Image Processing on a Token Passing Pyramid Computer",
(with T. Kanungo, G.I. Chiou, and A. Somani),
Proceedings, 11th IAPR International Conference on Pattern
Recognition, Conference~D: Architectures for Vision and Pattern Recognition,
The Hague, The Netherlands, August 30--September~3, 1992, Vol.~IV, pp. 83-86. |
"Optimal Dilation Filtering",
(with L.R. Rystrom and P.L. Katz),
Proceedings of the Canadian Conference on Electrical and Computer
Toronto, Ontario, Canada, September 13--16, 1992, TA3.19.1--TA3.19.4 (Invited). |
"Summary of Methodology for Analyzing the Performance of Detection Tasks",
(with T. Kanungo, M.Y. Jaisimha, and J. Palmer),
Technical Digest, Optical Society of America 1992 Annual Meeting,
Albuquerque, NM, September 20--25, 1992, p. 200. |
"Performance Characterization in Computer Vision",
(invited keynote talk), British Machine Vision Conference ,
D. Hogg and R. Boyle (eds.), Leeds, England,
September 22--24, 1992, pp. 1-8 |
"The Use of GTFR with Cone Kernel for Motion Estimation",
(with V.G. Vaidya), Proceedings of the IEEE Symposium on Time Frequency Representation,
Victoria, BC, Canada, October, 1992. |
"Automatic Detection of Mines, Using Morphological Image Processing",
(with P.L. Katz, C.J. Eggen, and L.R. Rystrom),
Proceedings of 1992 Meeting, IRIS Specialty Group on Active Systems,
San Diego, CA, October 27--29, 1992 (Classified Confidential) |
"The Indecomposability Problem in Mathematical Morphology",
(with P.K. Ghosh), SPIE Proceedings on Vision Geometry,
Vol. 1832, Boston, MA, November 15--16, 1992, pp. 122-131. |
"Recognition Without Segmentation: Using Mathematical Morphology to
Recognize Printed Arabic",
(with B. Al-Badr), Proceedings 13th National Computer Conference,
Riyadh, Saudi Arabia, November, 1992, pp. 813--829. |
"Automating Measurements from Standard
Radiographs", (with Adam Harris, Dov Dori, Mitchell Sheinkop, and Eric Berkson),
The International Society for Optical Engineering Society
for Imaging Science and Technology Symposium on Electronic
Imaging Science and Technology, Conference on Model Based Vision, Boston,
Massachusetts, Vol. 1827, November 1992, pp. 157-167. |
"Performance Characterization in Computer Vision",
reprinted in Lecture Notes in Computer Science 719: Computer Analysis of Images and Patterns,
5th International Conference, CAIP '93,
Budapest, Hungary, September 13--15, 1993 Proceedings},
D. Chetverikov and W. Kropatsch (eds.), Springer-Verlag, Berlin, 1993, pp. 1-9. |
"`Mine Detection in Cluttered Backgrounds by Morphological Image
(with P.L. Katz, C.J. Eggen, and L.R. Rystrom),
Fourth Navy R and D Information Exchange Conference,
NCCOSC, San Diego, CA, April 13--15, 1993
(Classified Confidential). |
Propagating Covariance in Computer Vision",
Progress in Image Analysis Processing III: Proceedings of the 7th International
Conference on Image Analysis and Processing, Capitolo, Monopoli, Italy,
September 20--22, 1993, pp. 467-477 |
"Automated Organ Recognition Using 3D Mathematical Morphology",
(with J.P. Strupp), Medical Imaging 1993: Image Processing Proceedings,
SPIE, 1993, Vol. 1898, pp. 511 |
"Optimal Single Stage Restoration of Subtractive Noise",
(with L.R. Rystrom and P.L. Katz), SPIE Proceedings, Nonlinear Image Processing IV,
San Jose, CA, February, 1993, SPIE Vol. 1902, pp. 8-19. |
"Image Understanding Research at University of Washington",
Proceedings: DARPA Image Understanding Workshop,
Washington, DC, April 18--21, 1993, pp. 163-167. |
"The Image Understanding Environment: Overview",
(with J.L. Mundy, T. Binford, T. Boult, V. Ramesh, A. Hanson, C. Connolly,
R. Beveridge, C. Kohl, D. Lawton, D. Morgan, K. Price, and T. Strat),
Proceedings: DARPA Image Understanding Workshop,
Washington, DC, April 18--21, 1993, pp. 283-288. |
"The IUE User Interface",
(with D.T. Lawton, D. Dai, M.A. Frogge, W.F. Gardner, H. Pritchett, A.T. Rathkopf,
I. Smith, T. Binford, T. Boult, V. Ramesh, A. Hanson, C. Connolly,
R. Beveridge, C. Kohl, D. Lawton, D. Morgan, J.L. Mundy, K. Price, and T. Strat),
Proceedings: DARPA Image Understanding Workshop,
Washington, DC, April 18--21, 1993, pp. 289-300. |
"The Image Understanding Environment: Data Exchange",
(with J.L. Mundy, R. Welty, K. Price, T. Binford,
T. Boult, V. Ramesh, A. Hanson, C. Connolly,
R. Beveridge, C. Kohl, D. Lawton, D. Morgan, and T. Strat),
Proceedings: DARPA Image Understanding Workshop,
Washington, DC, April 18--21, 1993, pp. 301-309. |
"The Image Understanding Environment: Image Features",
(with K. Price, T. Binford, T. Boult, V. Ramesh, A. Hanson, C. Connolly,
R. Beveridge, C. Kohl, D. Lawton, D. Morgan, J.L. Mundy, and T. Strat),
Proceedings: DARPA Image Understanding Workshop,
Washington, DC, April 18--21, 1993, pp. 311-315. |
"Spatial Objects in the Image Understanding Environment",
(with J.L. Mundy, T. Binford, T. Boult, V. Ramesh, A. Hanson, C. Connolly,
R. Beveridge, C. Kohl, D. Lawton, D. Morgan, K. Price, and T. Strat),
Proceedings: DARPA Image Understanding Workshop,
Washington, DC, April 18--21, 1993, pp. 317-331. |
"Performance Characterization of Edge Operators",
(with V. Ramesh), Proceedings: DARPA Image Understanding Workshop,
Washington, DC, April 18--21, 1993, pp. 1071-1079. |
"English Document Database Design and Implementation Methodology",
(with I.T. Phillips, S. Chen, and J. Ha),
Proceedings of the Second Annual Symposium on
Document Analysis and Information Retrieval,
Las Vegas, NV, April 26--28, 1993, pp. 65-104. |
"A Quantitative Methodology for Analyzing the Performance of
Detection Algorithms", (with T. Kanungo, M.Y. Jaisimha, and J. Palmer),
Proceedings of IEEE International Conference on Computer Vision,
Berlin, Germany, May 11--14, 1993, pp. 247-252. |
"Estimation of Curvature from Sampled Noisy Data",
(with C.K. Lee and K. Deguchi), Proceedings, 1993 IEEE Computer Society Conference on Computer Vision
and Pattern Recognition,
New York City, NY, June 15--18, 1993, pp. 536-541. |
"Estimation of the Position and Orientation of a Planar Surface
Using Multiple Beams", (with J. Ha),
Proceedings, 1993 IEEE Computer Society Conference on Computer Vision
and Pattern Recognition,
New York City, NY, June 15--18, 1993, pp. 628--629. |
"Towards Objective Measurements from Medical Radiographs",
(with D. Dori, A.I. Harris, and G. Gambach),
Proceedings of the International Workshop on Next Generation Information
Technology Systems, (NGITS), Haifa, Israel, June 28--30, 1993. |
"Statistical Morphology",
(with E. Dougherty, J. Ha, T. Kanungo, S. Karasu, C.K. Lee, L. Rystrom,
V. Ramesh, and I. Phillips), Proceedings of the SPIE Conference on Image Algebra and
Morphological Image Processing IV,
San Diego, CA, July 12--13, 1993, Vol. 2030, pp. 191-202 |
"Wigner Distribution for 2-D Motion Estimation from Noisy Images",
(with V.G. Vaidya), Proceedings of the International Conference on
Signal Processing and Applications Technology, San Jose, CA, September, 1993. |
"Wigner Distribution for 2-D Motion Estimation from Noisy Images",
(with V.G. Vaidya),
reprinted in Fourth International Conference on Computer Vision, ICCV'93,
Berlin, Germany. |
"Mathematical Morphology of Three-Dimensional Objects: The Slope Diagrammatic Approach",
(with P.K. Ghosh), SPIE Proceedings on Vision Geometry II,
Vol. 2060. Boston, MA, September 9--10, 1993. |
"Bayesian Corner Detection",
(with X. Zhang), Proceedings of British Machine Vision Conference BMVC'93},
University of Surrey, Guildford, UK, September 21--23, 1993. |
"Implementation Methodology and Error Analysis for the CD-ROM
English Document Database-I", (with Ihisn T. Phillips, Jaekyu Ha, and Su Chen),
Proceedings of the 1993 AIPR Workshop,
Washington, DC, October 13--15, 1993. |
"A Methodology for the Characterization of the Performance of Thinning
Algorithms", (with M.Y. Jaisimha and D. Dori),
International Conference on Document Analysis and Recognition,
Tsukuba Japan, October 20--22, 1993, pp. 282-286. |
"CD-ROM Document Database Standard",
(with I.T. Phillips and S. Chen),
International Conference on Document Analysis and Recognition,
Tsukuba Japan, October 20--22, 1993, pp. 478-483. |
"The Implementation Methodology for a CD-ROM English Document Database",
(with I.T. Phillips, J. Ha, and D. Dori), International Conference on
Document Analysis and Recognition, Tsukuba, Japan, October 20--22, 1993, pp. 484-487. |
"Radiographs as Medical Documents: Automating Standard Measurements",
(with D. Dori, A.I. Harris, and G. Gambach),
International Conference on Document Analysis and Recognition,
Tsukuba, Japan, October 20--22, 1993, pp. 553-556. |
"Global and Local Document Degradation Models", (with T. Kanungo and I. Phillips),
International Conference on Document Analysis and Recognition,
Tsukuba, Japan, October 20--22, 1993, pp. 730-734. |
"A Maximum-Likelihood Approach to Pet Emission/Attenuation Image
Registration", (with W.L.S. Costa, D.R. Haynor, T.K. Lewellen, and M.M. Graham),
IEEE Nuclear Science Symposium and Medical Imaging Conference,
San Francisco, CA, November 2--6, 1993. |
"Proteus: Control and Management System",
(with Y.H. Yao, L.G. Shapiro, I.T. Phillips, A.K. Somani, J.N. Hwang, M. Harrington,
C. Wittenbrink, C.H. Chen, X. Liu, and S. Chen),
Workshop on Computer Architectures for Machine Perception,
December, 1993. |
"On Vector Quantization for Fast Facet Edge Detection",
(with M.Y. Jaisimha, J.R. Goldschneider, A.E. Mohr, and E.A. Riskin),
Proceedings of International Conference on Acoustics, Speech, and Signal Processing,
Sydney, Australia, 1994. |
"Optimal Single Stage Restoration of Split Beam Sonar Images
via Mathematical Morphology", (with L.R. Rystrom and P.L. Katz),
SPIE Conference, Nonlinear Image Processing V,
San Jose, CA, February, 1994. |
"Symbol Recognition Without Prior Segmentation",
(with B. Al-Badr), Proceedings of the IS&T/SPIE Symposium on Electronic Imaging Science
and Technology: Document Recognition,
San Jose, CA, February, 1994, Vol. 2181, pp. 303-314. |
"Performance Evaluation of Two OCR Systems",
(with S. Chen, S. Subramaniam, and I.T. Phillips),
Proceedings of the Third Annual Symposium on Document Analysis
and Information Retrieval, University of Nevada,
Las Vegas, NV, April 11--13, 1994, pp. 299-317. |
"Estimating Errors in Document Databases",
(with J. Ha, S. Chen, and I.T. Phillips),
Proceedings of the Third Annual Symposium on Document Analysis
and Information Retrieval, University of Nevada,
Las Vegas, NV, April 11--13, 1994, pp. 435-459. |
"From Pixels to Edges in Medical Radiographs: A Pattern Recognition Approach to
Edge Detection", (with D. Dori and G. Gambach),
Aspects of Visual Form Processing,
2nd International Workshop on Visual Form (IWVF2), Capri, Italy,
May 30--June 2, 1994,
C. Arcelli, L.P. Cordella, and G.S. di~Baja (eds),
Singapore: World Scientific, 1994, pp. 168-177. |
"Quantitative Performance Evaluation of Thinning Algorithms in the Presence of
Noise" (with M.Y. Jaisimha and D. Dori), Aspects of Visual Form Processing,
2nd International Workshop on Visual Form (IWVF2), Capri, Italy,
May 30--June 2, 1994,
C. Arcelli, L.P. Cordella, and G.S. di~Baja (eds),
Singapore: World Scientific, 1994, pp. 261-286. |
"Quantitative Performance Evaluation of Thinning Algorithms under Noisy
Conditions", CVPR94: IEEE Computer Society Conference on Computer Vision and
Pattern Recognition,
Seattle, WA, June 21--23, 1994, pp. 678--683. |
"Performance Characterization Protocol in
Computer Vision", Performance versus Methodology in Computer Vision, NSF/ARPA Workshop, June 24-25, 1994, Seattle, Washington, pp.26-32. |
"Document Image Understanding: Geometric and Logical Layout",
CVPR94: IEEE Computer Society Conference on Computer Vision and
Pattern Recognition, Seattle, WA, June 21--23, 1994, pp. 385-390. |
"Automatic Selection of Tuning Parameters for Feature Extraction Sequences",
(with V. Ramesh, X. Zhang, D.C. Nadadur, and K. Thornton),
CVPR94: IEEE Computer Society Conference on Computer Vision and
Pattern Recognition, Seattle, WA, June 21--23, 1994, pp. 672-677. |
"A Brief Survey of the Relationships Between Finite Random Sets and Morphology",
(with S. Chen and X. Zhuang), SPIE International Symposium on Optics, Imaging, and Instrumentation:
Image Algebra and Morphological Image Processing V,
San Diego, CA, July 25--26, 1994, Vol. 2300, pp. 305-310. |
"Propagating Covariance in Computer Vision",
Proceedings of the 12th IAPR International Conference on Pattern Recognition:
Conference A: Computer Vision and Image Processing,
Jerusalem, Israel, October 9--13, 1994, Vol. I, pp. 493-498. |
"Corner Detection Using the MAP Technique",
(with X. Zhang and V. Ramesh),
Proceedings of the 12th IAPR International Conference on Pattern Recognition:
Conference A: Computer Vision and Image Processing,
Jerusalem, Israel, October 9--13, 1994, Vol. I, pp. 549-552. |
"Finite Random Sets and Morphology",
(with S. Chen and X. Zhuang),
Proceedings of the 12th IAPR International Conference on Pattern Recognition,
Conference B: Pattern Recognition and Neural Networks, Jerusalem,
Israel, October 9--13, 1994, Vol.~II, pp. 62-65. |
"Optimization Methods for Estimating 3D Object Parameters",
(with X. Liu and A. Bedekar), Proceedings, ARPA Image Understanding Workshop,
Monterey, CA, November 13--16, 1994, Vol. II, pp. 1017-1027. |
"An Automatic Algorithm for Text Skew Estimation in Document Images Using
Recursive Morphological Transforms",
(with S. Chen), Proceedings, ICIP-94: 1994 IEEE International Conference on Image Processing,
Austin, TX, November 13--16, 1994, Vol. I, pp. 139-143. |
"A Hybrid Shape Decomposition Using Hyperquadrics and Mathematical Morphology",
(with H.S. Kim), Proceedings, ICIP-94: 1994 IEEE International Conference on Image Processing,
Austin, TX, November 13--16, 1994, Vol.~II, pp. 101-105. |
"A Bayesian Corner Detector", (with X. Zhang, V. Ramesh, and A. Bedekar),
Proceedings, ICIP-94: 1994 IEEE International Conference on Image Processing,
Austin, TX, November 13--16, 1994, Vol. II, pp. 282-286. |
"Groundtruthing the RADIUS Model-Board Imagery",
(with K. Thornton, D.C. Nadadur, V. Ramesh, X. Liu, X. Zhang, and A. Bedekar),
Proceedings, ARPA Image Understanding Workshop,
Monterey, CA, November 13--16, 1994, Vol.~I, pp. 319-329. |
"Overview: Computer Vision Performance Characterization",
Proceedings, ARPA Image Understanding Workshop,
Monterey, CA, November 13--16, 1994, Vol. I, pp. 663-665. |
"Performance Characterization Protocol in Computer Vision",
Proceedings, ARPA Image Understanding Workshop,
Monterey, CA, November 13--16, 1994, Vol. I, pp. 667--673. |
"A Methodology for Automatic Selection of IU Algorithm Tuning Parameters",
(with V. Ramesh), Proceedings, ARPA Image Understanding Workshop,
Monterey, CA, November 13--16, 1994, Vol. I, pp. 675-687. |
"An Integrated Gradient Edge Detector---Theory and Performance Evaluation",
(with V. Ramesh), Proceedings, ARPA Image Understanding Workshop,
Monterey, CA, November 13--16, 1994, Vol.I, pp. 689-702. |
"A Bayesian Corner Detector: Theory and Performance Evaluation",
(with X. Zhang, V. Ramesh, and A.S. Bedekar),
Proceedings, ARPA Image Understanding Workshop,
Monterey, CA, November 13--16, 1994, Vol. I, pp. 703-715. |
"Optimization Methods for Estimating 3D Object Parameters",
(with X. Liu and A. Bedekar), Proceedings, ARPA Image Understanding Workshop,
Monterey, CA, November 13--16, 1994, Vol. II, pp. 1017-1027. |
"Extraction of Text Layout Structures on Document Images Based on
Statistical Characterization",
(with S. Chen and I.T. Phillips), IS&T/SPIE Symposium on Electronic Imaging: Science & Technology,
Proceedings, Volume 2422, Document Recognition II,
San Jose, CA, February 6--7, 1995, pp. 128--139. |
"Document Page Decomposition by The Bounding-Box Projection Technique", Proceedings of 3rd International Conference of Document
Analysis and Recognition (ICDAR), Volume 2, 1995, pp.119-122. |
"Document Page Decomposition Using Bounding Boxes of Connected Components
of Black Pixels", (with J. Ha and I.T. Phillips),
IS&T/SPIE Symposium on Electronic Imaging: Science & Technology,
Proceedings, Document Recognition II,
San Jose, CA, February 6--7, 1995, pp. 140--151. |
"Estimation of Morphological Degradation Parameters", (with T. Kanungo)
Proc. SPIE Conference on Nonlinear Imaging, San Jose, CA, Vol. 2424,
February , 1995, pp. 86-95. |
"A Benchmark: Performance evaluation of Dashed-Line Detection Algorithms",
(with Bin Kong, Ihsin Phillips, Arathi Prasad, Rangachar Kasturi),
GREC 1995, pp. 270-285. |
"Automatic Line Detection in Document Images Using Recursive Morphological Transforms",
(with B. Kong, S. Chen, and I.T. Phillips),
IS&T/SPIE Symposium on Electronic Imaging: Science & Technology,
Proceedings, Document Recognition II,
San Jose, CA, February 6--7, 1995, pp. 163-174. |
"Automatic Detection of Minelike Targets in Severely Cluttered Images
Including Other Manmade Objects",
(with P.L. Katz, C.J. Eggen, and L.R. Rystrom),
Proceedings of SPIE Technical Conference 2496: Detection
Technologies for Mines and Minelike Targets, Orlando, FL, April 17--21, 1995. |
"Validation and Estimation of Document Degradation
Models", (with T. Kanungo, and H. Baird),
Fourth Annual Symposium on Document Analysis and Information
Retrieval, University of Nevada, Las Vegas, April 24-26,
1995, pp. 217-228. |
"Perfect Document Layout Ground Truth Generation
Using DVI Files and Simultaneous Word Segmentation From
Document Images", (with S. Chen and I. Phillips),
Fourth Annual Symposium on Document Analysis and Information
Retrieval, University of Nevada, Las Vegas, April 24-26,
1995, pp. 229-247. |
"Understanding Engineering Drawings: A Survey",
(with T. Kanungo and D. Dori),
IAPR International Workshop on Graphics Recognition,
University Park, PA, August 10--11, 1995,
pp. 119-130. |
"Segmentation-Free Word Recognition with Application to Arabic",
(with B. Al-Badr), ICDAR'95: Third International Conference on Document Analysis and Recognition,
Montreal, Canada, Vol.~I, August 14--16, 1995, pp. 355--359. |
"Recursive Logical Document Structure Description Using Textons: a Generic
Object-Process Analysis",
(with D. Dori and I. Phillips),
ICDAR'95: Third International Conference on Document Analysis and Recognition,
Montreal, Canada, Vol. II, August 14--16, 1995, p. 540 (paper was presented but not received in time for
publication). |
"Zone Classification in a Document Using the Method of Feature Vector
Generation", (with R. Sivaramakrishnan, I.T. Phillips, J. Ha, and S. Subramanium),
ICDAR'95: Third International Conference on Document Analysis and Recognition,
Montreal, Canada, Vol. II, August 14--16, 1995, pp. 541-544. |
"Power Functions and Their Use in Selecting Distance Functions for Document
Degradation Model Validation", (with T. Kanungo and H.S. Baird),
ICDAR'95: Third International Conference on Document Analysis and Recognition,
Montreal, Canada, Vol.~II, August 14--16, 1995, pp. 734-739. |
"Simultaneous Word Segmentation from Document Images Using Recursive
Morphological Closing Transform", (with S. Chen and I.T. Phillips),
ICDAR'95: Third International Conference on Document Analysis and Recognition,
Montreal, Canada, Vol. II, August 14--16, 1995, pp. 761-764. |
"Recursive X-Y Cut Using Bounding Boxes of Connected Components",
(with Jaekyu. Ha and I.T. Phillips), ICDAR'95: Third International Conference
on Document Analysis and Recognition,
Montreal, Canada, Vol.~II, August 14--16, 1995, pp. 952--955. |
"Understanding Mathematical Expressions from Document Images",
(with Jaekyu. Ha and I.T. Phillips), ICDAR'95: Third International
Conference on Document Analysis and Recognition,
Montreal, Canada, Vol.~II, August 14--16, 1995, pp. 956-959. |
"Document Page Decomposition by the Bounding-Box Projection Technique",
(with J. Ha and I.T. Phillips), ICDAR'95: Third International Conference on
Document Analysis and Recognition,
Montreal, Canada, Vol.~II, August 14--16, 1995, pp. 1119--1122. |
"Automatic Text Skew Estimation in Document Images",
(with S. Chen and I.T. Phillips),
ICDAR'95: Third International Conference on Document Analysis and Recognition,
Montreal, Canada, Vol. II, August 14--16, 1995, pp. 1153--1156. |
"Constrained Monotone Regression of ROC Curves and Histograms
Using Splines and Polynomials", (with T. Kanungo and D.M. Gay),
ICIP-95: Proceedings, International Conference on Image
Processing, Washington, DC, Vol. II, October 23--26, 1995,
292--295. |
"A Bayesian Method for Triangulation And Its Application To Finding Corresponding Points",
(with A.S. Bedekar), ICIP-95: Proceedings, International Conference on Image
Processing, Washington, DC, Vol.~II, October 23--26, 1995,
pp. 362-365. |
"Receiver Operating Characteristic Curves and Optimal
Bayesian Operating Points",
(with T. Kanungo), ICIP-95: Proceedings, International Conference on Image
Processing, Washington, DC, Vol.~III, October 23--26, 1995,
pp. 256-259. |
"Document Structural Decomposition",
1995 Symposium on Document Image Understanding Technology, Bowie, MD, October 24-25,1995, pp. 27-38.
"Reconstruction of CAD Objects from Engineering Drawings: A Survey",
(with T. Kanungo, and D. Dori) Proc. of First IAPR Workshop on Graphics Recognition,
University Park, PA, 1995, pp. 217-228. |
"Texture Anisotropy, Symmetry, Regularity: Recovering Structure and
Orientation from Interaction Maps",
(with D. Chetverikov), BMVC 95, University of Birmingham, Birmingham, UK,
September 11-14, 1995, pp. 57-66. |
"Constrained Monotone Regression of Receiver Operating Curves and
Histograms Using Splines and Polynomials",
(with T. Kanungo, D.M. Gay) Proc. of IEEE International Conference on Image Processing,
Vol. 2, Washington, D.C., 1995, pp. 292-295. |
Statistical Estimation for Exterior Orientation from Line-to-Line Correspondences",
(with Chung-Nan Lee) Third International Computer Science Conference, LNCS 1024,
Springer Hong Kong, December 11-13, 1995, pp. 250-257. |
"Document Image Restoration Using Binary Morphological
Filters", (with Jisheng Liang and Ihsin Phillips), Document Recognition III,
SPIE '96, San Jose CA, Jan. 1996, pp. 274-285. |
"Document Zone Classification Using Sizes of Connected
Components", (with Jisheng Liang, Jaekyu Ha, and Ihsin Phillips),
Document Recognition III, SPIE '96, San Jose CA,
Jan. 1996, pp. 150-157. |
"The Prototype of A Document Image Understanding System",
(with Jisheng Liang, Richard Rogers, and Ihsin Phillips ),
IAPR Workshop on Document Analysis Systems,
Malvern PA, Oct. 1996, pp. 131-154. |
"Document Layout Structure Extraction Using Bounding Boxes
of Different Entities", (with Jisheng Liang, Jaekyu. Ha,
and Ihsin Phillips), 3rd IEEE Workshop on Applications of Computer Vision,
Dec. 1996, pp. 278-283. |
"Computer Vision Research At The University of Washington",
Image Understanding Workshop, Vol. 1, Feb. 12-15, Palm Springs,
CA, 1996, pp. 247-248. |
"Site Model Construction Using Geometric Constrained
Optimization", (with Xufei Liu and Ken Thornton),
Image Understanding Worshop, Vol. 1, Feb. 12-15,
Palm Springs, CA, 1996, pp. 357-371. |
"The Radius Imagery CDROM Ground Truthed Data Set",
(with W. Hunter Hudson, Desika Nadadur, Ken Thornton, and Xufei Liu),
Image Understanding Workshop, Vol. 1, Feb. 12-15,
Palm Springs, CA, 1996, pp. 511-519. |
"Detection Performance Methodology",
Image Understanding Workshop, Vol. 2, Feb. 12-15,
Palm Springs, CA, 1996, pp. 981-983. |
"Statistical Validation of Computer Vision Software",
(with Xufei Liu, Tapas Kanungo), Image Understanding Workshop,
Vol. 2, Feb. 12-15, Palm Springs, CA, 1996 pp. 1533-1540. |
"Propagating Covariance In Computer Vision",
Workshop on Performance Characteristics of Vision Algorithms, European Computer Vision Network,
Cambridge, U.K., April 19, 1996, pp. 1-12. |
"Finding Corresponding Points Based On Bayesian
Triangulation", (with Anand Bedekar), CVPR-96,
June 18-20, San Francisco, CA, 1996, pp. 61-66. |
"Automatic Generation of Character Groundtruth for Scanned
Documents: A Closed-Loop Approach", (with Tapas Kanungo),
ICPR-96, Vol. 3, August 25-29, Vienna, Austria, 1996,
pp. 669-675. |
"Zone Classification Using Texture Features",
(with Dmitry Chetverikov, Jisheng Liang, and Jozsef Komuves),
IAPR-96, Vol. 3, August 25-29, Vienna, Austria, 1996,
pp. 676-680. |
"Correction of Systematic Errors in Automatically Produced
Boundaries from Low-Contrast Ventriculograms", (with Jasjit Suri
and Florence Sheehan), ICPR-96 International Conference on Pattern Recognition, Vol. 4, August 26-29, Vienna,
Austria, 1996, pp. 361-365. |
"Accurate Left Ventricle Apex Position and Boundary Estimation from Noisy
Ventriculograms", (with Jasjit Suri, and Florence Sheehan),
IEEE Computers in Cardiology (CinC),
Indianapolis, Sep. 8-11, 1996. |
"Accurate Left Ventricle Apex Position and Boundary Estimation
from Noisy Ventriculograms", (with Jasjit Suri, and Florence
Sheehan), IEEE Computers in Cardiology (CinC),
Indianapolis, Sept. 8-11, 1996, pp. 68. |
Calibration Algorithms for Boundary Estimation of Left
Ventricle in X-ray Images", (with Jasjit Suri, and Florence Sheehan),
IEEE International Conference of Engineering in Medicine and Biology (EMBS),
Amsterdam, The Netherlands, ISBN 90-9010005-9(CD-ROM) SOE 9609001, Oct 31 -
Nov. 3, 1996. |
"The Extraction
of Characters from Scene Image Using Mathematical Morphology", (with Lixu Gu, Naoki Tanaka, and Toyohisa
Kaneko), IAPR Workshop on Machine Vision Applications,
Tokyo Japan, November 12-14, 1996. |
"Performance Evaluation of Document Layout Analysis
Algorithms on the UW-III Data Set", (with Jisheng Liang and
I.T. Phillips), Document Recognition IV, SPIE '97,
San Jose CA, 1997, pp. 149-160. |
"Two Automatic Training-based Forced
Calibration Algorithms for Left Ventricle Boundary Estimation in Cardiac Images", (with J.S. Suri and F.H. Sheehan),
Proceedings of the 19th Annual Conference on Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society, Chicago, 1997, pp.538-541.
"Left Ventricle Longitudinal Axis Fitting and Its Apex Estimation
Using a Robust Algorithm and its Performance: A Parametric Apex Model",
(with Jasjit Suri and Florence Sheehan), ICIP, Vol. 3, 1997, pp. 118-121. |
"Automatic Construction of Templates for Matching",
(with Gang Liu), Proceedings of the 1997 Image Understanding
Workshop, New Orleans, LA, May 11-14, 1997, pp. 1247-1253. |
"The ISL Document Image Analysis Toolbox",
(with Richard Rogers, Jisheng Liang, and Ihsin
Phillips), Proceedings of the Workshop on
Document Image Analysis, San Juan, Puerto Rico, June
20, 1997, pp. 18-25. |
"Corner Detection With Covariance Propagation",
(with Qiang Ji), IEEE Conference on Computer Vision
and Pattern Recognition, San Juan,
Puerto Rico, June 1997, pp. 362-367. |
"Terrain Reconstruction From Multiple Views",
(with Georgy Gimel'farb) Conference on Image Analysis and
Processing, Kiel Germany, Sept 6-8, 1997. |
"A Performance Evaluation Protocol for Engineering-drawing
Recognition Systems", (with Ihsin Phillips and Jisheng Liang),
Proceedings of the Second IAPR Workshop on Graphics Recognition,
Nancy France, August 22-23, 1997, pp. 333-346. |
"A Performance Evaluation Protocol for Graphics Recognition Systems",
(with Ihsin Phillips, Jisheng Liang, Atul Chhabra), GREC,
1997, pp. 372-389. |
"UW-ISL Document Image Analysis Toolbox: An Experimental
Environment", (with Jisheng Liang, Richard Rogers, and Ihsin Phillips),
Fourth International Conference on Document Analysis and Recognition,
Ulm, Germany, August 18-20, 1997, pp. 984-988. |
Automated Ventriculargram Boundary Delineation",[Extended Version]
(with Jasjit Suri and Florence Sheehan), Bildverarbeitun Fur
Die Medizin 1998, Aachen, Germany, March 26-27, 1998, 1-18,
Thomas Lehmann, Voker Metzler, Klaus Spitzer, and Thomas Tolxdorff
(ed) Springer-Verlag, Berlin, 1998. |
"Automatic Quadratic Calibration for Correction of Pixel Classifier
Boundaries to an Accuracy of 2.5 Millimeters: An Application in Cardiac Imaging",
(with Jasjit S. Suri, and Florence H. Sheehan),
Proceedings of the 14th International Conference on Pattern Recognition,
1998. |
"Content-Based Image Database Retrieval using Variances of Gray Level
Spatial Dependencies", Multimedia Information Analysis and Retrieval,
IAPR International Workshop, (MINAR'98), Hong Kong, China, August 13-14, 1998,
pp. 3-19. |
"Model-Based Shape Recognition Using Recursive Mathematical
Morphology", (with Michael Schauf and Selim Aksoy),
14th International Conference on Pattern Recognition,
August 16-20, Brisbane Australia, 1998, pp. 202-204. |
"Using Centroid Covariance in Target Recognition", (with Gang
Liu) 14th International Conference on Pattern Recognition,
August 16-20, Brisbane Australia, 1998, pp. 1343-1346. |
"Quadratic Calibration For The Automatically Computed Boundaries:
An Application in X-ray Heart Imaging", (with Jasjit Suri),
14th International Conference on Pattern Recognition,
August 16-20, Brisbane Australia, 1998, pp. 30-33. |
"Recent Advances Towards A Model-Based
Pattern-Recognition Approach For the Left Ventricle Boundary Estimation", (with Jasjit Suri and Florence Sheehan),
International Conference on the Advances in Pattern Recognition, November 23-25, 1998, Plymouth United Kingdom, pp. 134-144.
"Robust Extraction of Characters from Color Scene Image Using
Mathematical Morphology", (with Lixu Gu, Toyohisa Kaneko, and Naoki
Tanaka), 14th International Conference on Pattern Recognition,
August 16-20, Brisbane Australia, 1998, pp. 1002-1004. |
"A Statistical Framework for Geometric Tolerancing Manufactured
Parts", (with Qiang Ji), 14th International Conference on Pattern Recognition,
August 16-20, Brisbane Australia, 1998, pp. 1728-1730. |
"The Torah Code Controversy", \14th International Conference on
Pattern Recognition, August 16-20, Brisbane Australia, 1998, pp. 1779-1783. |
"Torah Codes: New Experimental Protocols", Joint Workshop on
Structural and Syntactic Pattern Recognition and Statistical Pattern
Recognition, Sydney Australia, August 11-13, 1998; Advances in Pattern
Recognition, Adnan Amin, Dov Dori, Pavel Pudil and Herbert Freeman
(eds.) Springer-Verlag, Berlin, 1998, pp. 72-93. |
"An Improved Hough Transform Technique Based on Error Propagation",
(with Qiang Ji), 1998 IEEE Conference On Systems, Man and Cybernetics,
San Diego, CA, Oct 1998. |
"Image Flow Estimation Using Facet Model and Covariance Propatation",(Invited) (with Ming Ye),
Vision Interface '98, Vancouver, British Columbia,
June 17-20, 1998, pp. 51-58. |
"An Integrated Linear Method for Pose Estimation From Different Features",
(with Qiang Ji, M. Costa, and L. Shapiro), Vision Interface '98,
Vancouver, British Columbia, June 17-20, 1998, pp. 77-84. |
"A New Morphological Segmentation Method Applied for
Character Extraction", (with L. Gu, N. Tanaka)
Vision Interface '98, Vancouver, British Columbia,
June 17-20, 1998, pp. 463-470. |
"Textural Features for Image Database Retrieval",
(with Selim Aksoy) IEEE Workshop on Content-Based Access of Image and Video Libraries,
Santa Barbara, CA, June 21, 1998, pp. 45-49. |
"A Unified Approach For Document Structure Analysis and Its Application to Text-line Extraction", (with Jisheng Liang and Ihsin
Phillips), Proceedings of the 1999 Symposium on Document Image
Understanding Technology (SDIUT99), Annapolis MD, April 14-16, 1999,
pp. 32-42. |
"Performance Evaluation of Document Image Algorithms",
Graphics Recognition Recent Advances (GREC), 1999, pp. 315-323. |
"A Geometric Functional For Derivatives Approximation",
(with Nir A. Sochen and Yehoshua Y. Zeevi), Scale
Space, 1999, pp. 507-512. |
"A Graph--Theoretic Approach to Image Database Retrieval",
(with Selim Aksoy), Proceedings of the Third International
Conference on Visual Information Systems, Amsterdam, The Netherlands,
June 2-4, 1999, pp. 341-348. |
"Using Texture In Image Similarity and
Retrieval", (with Selim Aksoy),
Texture Analysis in Machine Vision Workshop,
Oulu, Finland, June 14-15, 1999, pp. 111-117. |
"Graph-Theoretic Clustering for Image Grouping and Retrieval",
(with Selim Aksoy), Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition,
Fort Collins, June 23-25, 1999, pp. 63-68. |
Error Propagation for Computer
Vision Performance Characterization", (with Qiang Ji), International Conference On Imaging Science Systems and Technology,
June-28-July 1, 1999, Las Vegas, pp.429-435. |
"From Image To SGML/XML Representation: One Method",
International Workshop on Document Layout Interpretation and Its Applications
(DLIA 99), India, September 1999. |
"A Statistically Based, Highly Accurate Text-line Segmentation
Method", (with Jisheng Liang and Ihsin Phillips, Proceedings
of the 5th International Conference on Document Analysis and Recognition
(ICDAR 99), Bangelore India, September 1999, pp. 551-554. |
"A Methodology for Special Symbol Recognitions", (with Jisheng Liang, Ihsin Phillips, Vikram Chalana),
3rd IAPR International Workshop on Graphics Recognition, GREC'99, Jaipur India, 1999, pp. 227-234. |
"Quantitative Evaluation of Edge Detectors
Using the Minimum Kernel Variance Criterion", (with Qiang Ji), IEEE
International Conference on Image Processing, Kobe, Japan, October, 1999. |
"A Statistically Efficient Method for
Ellipse Detection", (with Qiang Ji), IEEE International Conference on
Image Processing, Kobe, Japan, October, 1999. |
"An Optimal Bayesian Hough Transform
for Line Detection", (with Qiang Ji), IEEE International Conference on
Image Processing, Kobe, Japan, October, 1999. |
Linear vs. Quadratic Optimization Algorithms for Bias Correction of Left Ventricle Chamber
Boundaries in Low Contrast Projection Ventriculugrams Produced from Xray Cardiac Catheterization Procedure",
(with Jasjit S. Suri, and Florence H. Sheehan),Computer Analysis of Images and Patterns, Slovenia,
Sept 1-3, 1999, pp. 108-117. |
"Automated Left Ventricle Boundary Delineation",
(with Lei Sui and Florence Sheehan),
Computers in Cardiology Cambridge MA, Sept 24-27.
2000, pp. 339-346. |
"Assignment Problem in Edge Detection Performance Evaluation",
Computer Vision Pattern Recognition Conference, 2000.
pp. 1026-1031. |
"Probabilistic vs. Geometric Similarity Measures For Image Retrieval",
(with Selim Aksoy), Computer Vision Pattern Recognition Conference, 2000,
pp. 2357-2362. |
"Two-Stage Robust Optical Flow Estimation", Computer Vision
Pattern Recognition Conference, 2000, pp. 2623-2628. |
"Validating Image Processing Algorithms", (invited keynote talk)
SPIE Conference on Medical Imaging 2000, Image Processing,
San Diego, Feb 14-17, 2000, pp. 2-16.Slide presentation, |
"Vehicle Ground-truth Database for the Vertical-view Ft. Hood Imagery",
with Gang Liu, International Conference on Pattern Recognition, Barcelona Spain,
September 3-7,2000, Vol 1, pp. 342-345. |
Single View Computer Vision in Polyhedral World: Geometric Inference and
Performance Characterization", (with Mingzhou Song and Aiwen Guo),
International Conference on Pattern Recognition, Barcelona, Spain,
September 3-7,2000, Vol 1, pp. 766-769. |
"Two Practical Issues In Canny's Edge Detector Implementation",
with Gang Liu, International Conference on Pattern Recognition, Barcelona Spain,
September 3-7,2000, Vol 3, pp. 680-682. |
"Optic Flow From A Least-Trimmed Squares Based Adaptive Approach",
(with Ming Ye), International Conference on Pattern Recognition, Barcelona Spain,
September 3-7,2000, Vol 3, pp. 1064-1067. |
"A Methodology for Special Symbol Recognitions",
(with Jisheng Liang, Ihsin Phillips, Vikram Chalana),
International Conference on Pattern Recognition, Barcelona Spain,
September 3-7,2000, Vol 4, pp. 11-14. |
"Statistical-based Approach to Word Segmentation",
(with Yalin Wang and Ihsin Phillips), International Conference on Pattern Recognition,
Barcelona Spain, September 3-7,2000, Vol 4, pp. 555-558. |
"A Weighted Distance Approach to Relevance Feedback",
(with Selim Aksoy, Faozi Cheikh, and Moncef Gabbouj),
International Conference on Pattern Recognition, Barcelona Spain,
September 3-7,2000, Vol 4, pp. 812-815. |
"Algorithm Performance Contest", (with Selim Aksoy, Ming Ye, Michael Schauf, Mingzhou Song, Yalin Wang,
Jim Parker, Juraj Pivovarov, Dominik Royko, Changming Sun and Gunnar Fareback),
International Conference on Pattern Recognition, Barcelona Spain,
September 3-7,2000, Vol 4, pp. 870-875. |
"Ultrasound Imaging Simulation and Echocardiographic Image Synthesis,"
Proceedings of International Conference on Image Processing, Vol.III, Vancouver, Canada, 2000, pp. 420-423. |
"Improvement of Zone Content Classification By Using Background
Analysis", (with Yalin Wang and Ihsin Phillips), Fourth IAPR International
Workshop on Document Analysis Systems (DAS2000), Rio de Janerio, December 10-13,
2000, pp. 429-437. |
"Format of Ground Truth Data Used in the Evaluation of the Results
of an Optical Music Recognition System", (with Hidetoshi Miyao), Fourth IAPR International
Workshop on Document Analysis Systems (DAS2000), Rio de Janerio, December 10-13,
2000, pp. 497-506. |
"Local Gradient Global Matching Piecewise-Smooth Optical Flow",
(with Ming Ye), Computer Vision Pattern Recognition (CVPR'01) Vol 2, 2001, 712-717. |
"Characterization of Dirac Edge With New Wavelet Transform",
(with Lihua Yang, Xinge You, Ihsin T. Phillips and Yuan Y. Tang)
Wavelet Analysis and Its Applications, Hong Kong, Dec 18-20, 2001,
pp. 129-138. |
"Using Area Voronoi Tessellation To Segment Characters Connected To Graphics",
(with Yalin Wang and Ihsin Phillips)
Fourth IAPR International Workshop on Graphics Recognition (GREC 2001),
Kingston Ontario Canada September 2001 pp. 1-7. |
"Automatic Table Ground Truth Generation and A Background-analysis
Based Table Structure Extraction Method", (with Yalin Wang and Ihsin Phillips),
Sixth International Conference on Document Analysis and Recognition (ICDAR 2001),
Seattle WA, September 10-12, 2001, pp. 528-532. |
"Zone Content Classification and Its Performance Evaluation",
(with Yalin Wang and Ihsin Phillips), Sixth International Conference
on Document Analysis and Recognition (ICDAR 2001), Seattle WA,
September 10-12, 2001, pp. 540-544. |
"Random Table and Its Ground Truth Automatic Generation: A Tool For
Table Understanding Research", (with Yalin Wang and Ihsin Phillips),
International Workshop on Document Layout Interpretation and Its Applications
(DLIA 2001), Seattle, WA September 2001. |
"Table Detection Via Probability Optimization", (with Yalin Wang and
Ihsin Phillips), Fifth IAPR International Workshop on Document Analysis
Systems, Princeton, New Jersey, August 2002, pp. 272-282. |
"Optimally Quantized and Smoothed Histograms", (with Mingzhou Song),
4th International Conference On Computer Vision Pattern Recognition and Image Processing, Durham, North Carolina,
March 2002, pp. 894-897. |
"Document Zone Content Classification Using Decision Tree and HMM",
(with Yalin Wang and Ihsin Phillips),
International Conference on Pattern Recognition, Quebec City, Canada,
August 2002. |
"A Study On The Document Zone Content Classification Problem",
(with Yalin Wang and Ihsin Phillips), Fifth IAPR International
Workshop on Document Analysis Systems,
Princeton, New Jersey, August 2002, pp. 212-223. |
"A Method for Document Zone Content Classification",
(with Yalin Wang and Ihsin Phillips),
16th International Conference on Pattern Recognition, Volume 3, Quebec City,
Canada Aug 2002, pp. 196-199. |
"Estimating Optical Flow Using a Global Matching Formulation and
Graduated Optimization",(with Ming Ye and Linda Shapiro, International Conference on Image Processing, ICIP Vol 2, 2002, pp. 289-292. |
"Optimal Grid Quantization",
(with Mingzhou Song), International Conference on Pattern Recognition (ICPR'02)
2002. |
"An Integrated Approach to Surface Modeling
In Freehand Three-Dimensional Echocardiography", (with Mingzhou Song, Florence Sheehan and Richard Johnson),
Second Joint Meeting of the IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society and Biomedical Engineering Society,
Houston, Texas USA, October 23-26, 2002, pp. 1082-1083. |
"Optimal Multidimensional Quantization For Pattern Recognition",
(with Mingzhou Song), Second International Conference on Image and Graphics,
SPIE Volume 4875, Part 1, Heifei, China, August 16-18, 2002, pp. 15-30. |
"A Classification Framework For Content-Based Image Retrieval",
(with Selim Aksoy), International Conference on Pattern Recognition (ICPR'02)
2002, pp. 503-506. |
"Estimating Recombination Rate Distribution by Optimal Quantization",
(with Mingzhou Song, Stephene Boissinot, and Ihsin Phillips),
IEEE Computer Society Conference on Bioinformatics,
2003, pp. 403-406. |
"Regression Analysis and Automorphic Orbits In Free Groups of Rank 2",
(with Alex Miasnikov), 17th International Conference on Pattern Recognition, Vol 1,
August, 2004, pp. 180-183. |
"A Hierarchical Projection Pursuit Clustering Algorithm",
(with Alex Miasnikov and Jason Rome),
17th International Conference on Pattern Recognition, Vol 1, August, 2004, pp. 268-271. |
"Approximating High Dimensional Probability Distributions",
(with Stephan Altmueller), 17th International Conference on Pattern Recognition,
2004, pp. 299-302. |
"Linguistic Connections Among Torah Codes", (with Art Levitt and Eliyahu Rips),
2nd International Interdisciplinary Conference on Fundamental and
Applied Aspects of Speech and Language (IEFPG), 2004, Belgrade,
Serbia and Montenegro, Nov 29- Dec 1. |
"Long Phrases In Torah Codes", (with Art Levitt, Nachum Bombach, Harold Gans,
Leib Schwartzman, and Chaim Stal),
2nd International Interdisciplinary Conference on Fundamental and
Applied Aspects of Speech and Language (IEFPG), 2004, Belgrade,
Serbia and Montenegro, Nov 29- Dec 1. |
"Towards a Formal Concept Analysis Approach to the Exploration of Communities
on the World Wide Web", (with Jayson Rome),
3rd International Conference on Formal Concept Analysis,
Lens, France, February 2005 pp. 33-48. |
"Practical Aspects Of Efficient Forward Selection in Decomposable Graphical Models",
(with Stephen Altmueller), Proceedings of the 16th IEEE International Converence on Tools With Artificial
Intelligence (ICTAI) 2004, pp. 710-715. |
"Workshop Preface", (with Zhigang Zhu, Rakesh Kumar, Yi-Pin Hung, Allen Hanson), Second IEEE Workshop on Video Registration,
2004 |
"Linear Manifold Clustering", International Conference On Data Mining and Learning",
with Rave Harpaz, (MDLM), 2005, pp. 132-141. |
"Linear Manifold Embedding of Pattern Clusters", (with Rave Harpaz)
DIMACS Workshop on Detecting and Processing Regularities In High Throughput Biological Data,
2005. |
"Nonlinear Manifold Clustering By Dimensionality",
(with W. Cao), ICPR Vol 1, 2006, pp. 920-924. |
"Exploiting the Geometry of Gene Expression Patterns for Unsupervised Learning",
(with Rave Harpaz), ICPR Vol. 2, 2006, pp. 670-674. |
"Basic Concepts For Testing The Torah Code Hypothesis", ICPR
Vol. 3, 2006, pp. 104-109 |
"Testing The Torah Code Hypothesis: The Experimental Protocol", ICPR
Vol. 3, 2006, pp. 110-115. |
Maximum Likelihood Quantization of Genomic Features using Dynamic Programming,
Sixth International Conference on Machine Learning and Applications, Cincinnati, OH, December 13-15,
2007, pp. 547-553. |
"Mining Subspace Correlations", (with Rave Harpaz),
CIDM 2007, pp. 335-342. |
"Affine Feature Extraction: A Generalization of the Fukunaga-Koontz Transformation", (with Wenbo Cao),
MLDM, (Best Paper Award), 2007, pp. 160-173. |
"Identifying Patterns in Texts",
(with Minhua Huang), IEEE Conference on Semantic Computing,
September 14-16, Berkeley CA, 2009, pp. 59-64. |
"A Novel Method For Identifying Patterns In Sentences", (with Minhua Huang),
American Association For Corpus Linguistics, 2009. |
"A Probabilistic Graphical Model
For Recognizing NP Chunks In Texts", (with Minhua Huang),
22nd International Conference On the Computer Processing of Oriental Languages,
2009, pp. 23-33. |
"A Pairwise Event Coreference Model, Feature Impact And Evaluation For Event
Coreference Resolution", (with Zheng Chen, and Heng Ji),
International Conference On Recent Advances In
Natural Language Processing, Borovets, Bulgaria , September 14-16, 2009 |
Discovering Semantic Patterns of a Word From Texts", (with Minhua Huang),
International Conference on Artificial Intelligence and Pattern Recognition, Orlando Florida,
July 12-14, 2010, pp. 51-57. |
"Developing Probabilistic Models For Identifying Semantic Patterns in Texts",
(with Minhua Huang, IEEE International Conference on Semantic Computing, Palo Alto CA,
September 18-21, 2011, pp 197-200. |
"Discovering Text Patterns by a New Graphic Model",
(with Minhua Huang), International Conference on Machine Learning and Data Mining, (MLDM), 2011,
pp. 428-442. |
"An Algorithm of Identifying Semantic Arguments of a Verb From Structured Data",
(with Minhua Huang), Recent Advances in Natural Language Processing, Hissar, Bulgaria,
September 10-16, 2011, pp. 568-573. |
"A Probabilistic Graphical Model for
Identifying Text Patterns", (with Minhua Huang), Association for the Advancement of Artificial
Intelligence, 2011. |
"Developing an Algorithm for Mining Semantics In Text", (with Minhua Huang)
International Conference on Intelligent Text Processing and Computational Linguistics (CICLing 2012)
(Best Presentation Award), IIT Delhi, New Delhi, India March 11-17,2012. |
"Relation Decomposition: The Theory", (with Ligon Liu and Evan Misshula)
International Conference on Machine Learning and Data Mining, (MLDM), 2013, New York, July 22-25, 2013. |
"GIST: Graphical Interactive Display Tools defining a model for interactive search",
(with Ingrid Montealegre), 22nd International Conference on Pattern Recognition 2014, Stockholm, Sweden, August 24-28, 2014. |
"QDA Revisited", (with Wenbo Cao)
22nd International Conference on Pattern Recognition 2014, Stockhom, Sweden, August 24-28, 2014. |
"Point Correspondence Performance Characterization"
CVPR 2015 Workshop on Performance Metrics for Correspondence Problems, Boston June 11, 2015. |
"Music Generation With Relation Join", (with Xiuyan Ni, Ligon Liu),
12th International Symposium on Computer Music Multidisciplinary Research, Sao Paulo, July 5-8, 2016,
pp. 286-296. |
"Paramagnetic and Diamagnetic Experiments",
Energy Science Technology Conference, July 2016, Coeur D'Alene, Idaho |
"Inexact MDL for Linear Manifold Clusters",(with Art Diky, Xing Su, Nancy Kiang),
International Conference on Pattern Recognition, Cancun Mexico, December 4-8, 2016. |
"Inexact MDL slides",
International Conference on Pattern Recognition, Cancun Mexico, December 4-8, 2016.> |
"Dependency and Structure in Pattern Recognition",
Invited Plenary Session Talk, International Conference on Pattern Recognition, Cancun Mexico, December 4-8, 2016. |
"Mind over Matter: Subtle Energy Protocol, Experiments, Baseline Results",
Energy Science Technology Conference , Hayden, Idaho, July 3, 2017 |
"Changing Water Properties with Lasers, Magnets,Geometry, and Conscious Intention",
Water Conference 1017 on the Physics, Chemistry, and Biology of Water/em>, Sofia Bulgaria, October 2017.
"Measuring Magnetically Treated Water" ,
2018 ExtraOrdinary Technology Conference Albuquerque, New Mexico, August 8-12, 2018. |
"Conscious Intention, Water, and Subtle Energy",
Energy Science Technology Conference Hayden July 3, 2018. |
"Longitudinal and Scalar Waves: Bi-Quaternion Generalized Maxwell Equations",
Energy Science Technology Conference, Hayden, Idaho, July 11-14, 2019. |
"Topological Structure of Linear
Manifold Clustering", 15th International Conference on Machine Learning and Data Mining 2019,
New York, July 13-18, 2019 |
"Subtle Energy, Water, Effects of Light",
Energy Science Technology Conference, Spokane, Washington, July 6-11, 2022. |
"Subtle Energy Experiments with Water and Crystals",
ExtraOrdinary Technology Conference, Albuquerque, New Mexico, August 10-14, 2022. |
"QED, Water, Experiments",
Water Conference, Bad Soden, Germany, October 13-16, 2022/ |